Friday, July 9, 2010

Mortar and Pestle

Every Christmas and birthday my mom asks me to make a list of things I'd like. I always oblige, but I'm not really sure why, because inevitably our phone conversation will go something like this:
Me: I emailed you my list today.
Mom: I saw. You ask for weird things.
Me: What? What's weird?
Mom: A mortar and pestle, why would you ask for that?
Me: Because I don't have one and I want one.
Mom: But... why do you want that?
Me: So I can grind up fresh spices and herbs and stuff! That's what it's for!
Mom: That's... strange.

I like practical gifts. For recent Christmas and birthday gifts I have asked for useful things such as an external hard drive to back up the files on my computer, a bicycle to bike to work, a crockpot, and a set of pots and pans.

Last weekend while visiting my grandma my mom started telling a group of family members about how her daughter always asks for "weird" gifts. (For the record, the things I asked for this time around that she found to be bizarre were a) a backpack that fits my laptop so I can bring it to school with me easily by bicycle b) rainboots because I'm soon moving to a much wetter climate and c) the aforementioned mortar and pestle).

When she mentioned the mortar and pestle, my grandmother pointed to the high shelf directly above her head and said, "Jessica, do you want this mortar and pestle? It belonged to my father."

I was speechless for a second, then I blurted out, "I would love it!"

My grandma made me promise to take good care of it and to never get rid of it. As if I ever would! I'm so thrilled! Not only do I have the mortar and pestle I wanted, I have a family heirloom!

Thanks Grandmama!

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